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Learn to Skate

Learn to Skate Price Chart (New Prices Effective for 2024-25 Season)

Class Requirements Sessions 1-5 Summers Only 5 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks Walk Ons
Snowplow Sam 4-6 years old Saturdays 9:35-10:35am Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm $100 $120 $140 N/A
Basic 7-Adult years old Saturdays 9:35-10:35am Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm $100 $120 $140 N/A
DoodleBug Tots*** 2-3 years old Saturdays 8:50-9:20am NA $70 $84 $98 $15

2024-25 Sessions

Session 1 - 7 weeks

September 7 - October 19, 2024
Doodlebug Tots (8:50-9:20am)
Snowplow 1-4 & Basic 1-6 (9:35-10:35am)



Session 2 - 6 weeks

November 9 - December 21, 2024 (No skate 11/30)
Doodlebug Tots (8:50-9:20am)
Snowplow 1-4 & Basic 1-6 (9:35-10:35am)

Dec.  7th time changed to 2:15pm




Session 3 - 7 weeks

January 4 - February 22, 2025 (No skate 1/25)
Doodlebug Tots (8:50-9:20am)
Snowplow 1-4 & Basic 1-6 (9:35-10:35am)




Session 4 - 6 weeks

April 26 - May 31, 2025 
Doodlebug Tots (9:00-9:30am)
Snowplow 1-4 & Basic 1-6 (9:35-10:35am)





  • Students are grouped by level and ability.
  • Snowplow Sam & Basic include a 20 minute lesson, the remainder of the time is available for a supervised practice time.
  • Testing is on the last day of each session.
  • USFSA enrollment is included.
  • 10% discount for families with 3 or more members enrolled in each session. This is not to be used with any other discounts.
  • Registrations must be received at least one week prior to the start of the session.
  • No registrations will be accepted on the first day of classes.
  • During the Fall/Winter session parents are NOT allowed on the ice.

    *** The Doodlebug Tots registration is for the full session only; however, we will take students at anytime during the session as a walk-on.  Please give the rink a call (585)223-2160  or stop in to get more information.  Thank you!
No refunds.  No makeup classes. We must have a total of at least 15 skaters enrolled to hold each session.  All classes are subject to cancellation depending on number of registrations.




80 Lyndon Road
Fairport, NY 14450

(585) 223-2160

Robert Hensel

General Manager

Phone: 585-223-2160