Schedule emailed to campers
Designed specifically for AA Travel players
This camp is designed specifically for the AA Travel hockey player. We mixed the perfect ingredients of hockey skills, skating, competitive drills and games with fun, team work and love for the game!
Each day will focus on different aspects of the game including skating, skill development, team play, game situations, and learning all while enhancing your respect and love for the game.
Two on ice sessions per day, an off ice activity (outside if possible), team building and hockey chalk talk sessions (white board sessions). There will be daily and end of week prizes for hardest worker, most improved and camp MVP. Thursday will be GAME DAY with a full ice game!
Space is limited to 30 skaters and 4 goalies per age group
Group 1: 2008-2012 Birth Years
Group 2: 2013-2018 Birth Years
Cost: Skaters $375
Goalies $175
August 11-14, 2025
Designed Specifically For House players
“Hockey is where the HEART IS”.
Join the RIC Academy for this HOUSE PLAYERS ONLY hockey camp. This camp is designed specifically for house players with a good balance of skills, fun activities and HOCKEY AWESOMENESS! Focus, hard work, fun, respect for each other and respect for the game will be taught.
Open to beginners including birth years 2011-2018. Limited to first 30 skaters and 4 goalies.
**minimum 1 years of hockey experience required. **
Skaters - $299
Goalies - $99